How do I Install ADE? (1.65)
The installation package for ADE 1.65 is a zip file that contains a read me file and an executable installer
The installer will be in a zip file like this one

Extract the two files a location on your computer and please take the time to read through the read me file. It contains the latest information about the version in the installer and may have information that superceded this article. Double click the installer to start it You will probably see the User Access Control (UAC) message. Click Yes to start the installer
Opening screen of the installer will appear

Click Next to Continue
ScruffyDuck Software license agreement

Please read this. If you are happy to proceed and abide by the license agreement then click Yes. Otherwise click No to exit the installer
Components to install

This screen shows what will be installed. In this case it is just ADE itself.
Destination folder

It is strongly recommended that you accept the default folder for the installation. However you can change it via the Browse Dialog if you wish. You should not:
- Install ADE anywhere inside the Flight Sim or SDK Folder structures
- Install this version into an existing installation. 1.65 is intended to be a clean install. Later you can import your settings and data from an earlier version.

This progress bar will show while the ADE files are being installed
Installation complete

On completion of the installation you will see this screen. By default the installer will start ADE when you click Close. If you do not want it to run now then please uncheck the tick box before clicking Close
Importing settings

When ADE starts it will offer you the New User Wizard if this is a clean installation. This helps you to set up ADE for the first time. We recommend that if you have an existing ADE installation that you import your settings and data from there into the new version by clicking the Import Button
Short cuts

The installer places a short cut on your desktop

and adds an entry into the Start Menu
Note that the shortcuts and menu entries should be removed if you uninstall this version
Registry entries
The installer makes an entry into your registry under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ScruffyDuckSoftware. This is used to support updating and uninstalling the software. Note that if you uninstall this version the registry entry will be removed
gary carl edgar
I installed ADE in an incorrect path , will uninstall -reinstall in another path for fsx
very nice