Airport Design Editor HelpWhat's NewHow do I use the new Lister? (1.65)

How do I use the new Lister? (1.65)

ADE has always provided lists of objects.   There is now a new version that is much more flexible and customizable than the old one

The List View

The List View
  1. The List selector allows different lists to be displayed
  2. Drag/drop of rows are allowed when this is visible
  3. If this is visible then you can select and delete multiple entries in the list
  4. You can select and edit multiple entries in the list when this is visible.  This will use the new multi edit function
  5. Enter some text in here and the list will be filtered to entries containing the text
  6. The layout can now be customized for each list (so you can have a different setup for parking, links etc.  Click Save to have ADE remember the current layout and this will be remembered in future. Rest will return the list to the default layout as shipped.
  7. Columns can be re-ordered by dragging them into a new place
  8. If multi selection is available then this button will select all the entries
  9. and this will clear any selections
  10. Export of the list to a csv file is disabled in this version
  11. A new print preview and print function is available if you want to make a hard copy of the list
  12. The edit button will be active when you can edit the selected items in the list.  ADE will look at the selected entries to determine if they can be editied
  13. The same applies to the delete button.  This will only be active if the items selected can actually be deleted

The column right click menu

The column right click menu

Right click on any column  header to get some display and configuration options

  1. You can sort the list from here - although clicking on the column header is probably quicker
  2. Grouping can be useful to group entries by the values in the selected column

Group by type

Group by type

The right click menu will give you an option to remove grouping.



Right click on a column and expand the Filtering menu.  This provides a list of values in the column that you can check to select.  Apply the filter and only objects meeting the filter will be displayed.  You can clear all filters from this menu at any time



Expand the Columns entry to get a list of all the columns available.  Those with check marks will be displayed.  You can uncheck any columns that you do not want to see or check undisplayed columns (such as SkipCompile in this case)

Save your customized list

Save your customized list
  1. Use the Save button to have ADE remember the list arrangement for this list
  2. Reset will forget the customized layout and return you to the default



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