Airport Design Editor HelpScenery ObjectsHow do I Add a Big Thumbnail Pack to ADE?

How do I Add a Big Thumbnail Pack to ADE?

ADE ships with thumbnails for some of the common stock objects found in the different versions of the simulator.  However there are objects without thumbnails.  We have a couple of 'packs' that contain thumbnails to use with ADE.

IMPORTANT These packs contain small thumbnail images.  They do not contain any objects, or bgl object libraries.  You do not get the objects when you download these packs, you get thumbnails that ADE can use to show you what a library object looks like.  Also please download the pack relevant to the version of the simulator you are using ADE for.  It will do no harm if you download and install the wrong one but thumbnails will only get used for objects that match so most will be wasted if you use the wrong pack and many objects in ADE will still not show a thumbnail.

Missing Thumbnails

Missing Thumbnails

Although ADE ships with a basic set of thumbnails, including them all would make for a large download. The thumbnails for special location Bgl files like St Maarten are not included. So we have some separate thumbnail packs that contain many more thumbnails.

The Thumbnail Packs

The Thumbnail Packs

To download a thumbnail pack go to our website and navigate to the Airport Design Editor Download page

  1. The first pack is for FSX/P3D and contains thumbnails for the stock objects found in these versions of the sim
  2. The second pack is for FS9.  In FS9 there are not many stock objects but this pack contains thumbnails for many of the third party libraries available for FS9.  

What is in the pack?

What is in the pack?

This is the pack for FSX/P3D.  The one for FS9 may look slightly different.  The pack is a zip file and if you look at the contents you will see a folder containing the thumbnails and a read me (the FS9 pack has no read me at this time)

Look inside the folder and you will see more folders.  This has confused some folks because

  1. the folder names appear to be bgl files
  2. They aren't - they are file folders that are named for a bgl file

However they contain thumbnails (jpg files) for the objects in that bgl file.  Again these are thumbnails and not the objects themselves

Where do I put the thumbnails?

Where do I put the thumbnails?

Open ADE for the version of the sim you want to add the thumbnails for and then open the Library Object Manager

This is the path to your thumbnail folder and this is where we are going to copy the pack.  If the folder name is too long to see then click on the box and you should be able to move the cursor along until you it all.

The default folder will the the Thumbs folder inside the version folder - so in this case it is ..\FSX\Thumbs

Make a note of the folder

Copy the pack

Copy the pack

The new thumbnails are now installed in the thumbs folder.  Note that you do not need to extract any folders inside this one - just copy the top level folder across but make sure you have  your copy set to copy sub folders as well.

Check St Maarten again

Check St Maarten again

and now we have the thumbnails for this and the other stock library objects.



Tried to get thumbnails as no avail...did it twice. In fact had two other people do it as well. No thumbnails. What went wrong????

Jon Masterson

Well I think I need to ask you what went wrong? You don't say at what point. Could you not download the pack?


I'm having the same problem as Ron, You say in the last step to "make sure you have your copy set to copy sub folders as well". How do I do this?


Disregard my last comment, I was confused with the fact that i didn't know ADE automatically loads the thumbnails right when you put the folder in. I thought I had to press the "add folder" option in the Library Objects Manager and find the BigThumbPack folder in order for the thumbnails to load. Why did I think this even though its not in the tutorial above you ask? Because its almost 1am. lol :) Thx for making this guide btw.

Mike Nowinski

I followed the instructions as directed and have the big_thumbnail_pack (with sub-folders) copied as follows H:\FSX Software\FS Design Tools\Airport Design Editor 165\FSX\Thumbs\big_thumbnail_pack. When I open the Library Object Mgr, none of the scenery obj files (folders) appear to select from except StMaartens.

Jon Masterson

Loading the thumbnail pack only adds thumbnails - not the objects themselves

ScruffyDuck Software
Microsoft MVP


Have followed instructions as Scruffy Duck has laid out and worked like a dream. You do need to make sure you follow the correct instructions for this to work. Well done Scruffy Duck for so much information and mega brilliant download.............and it's FREE!!!!!!!

Jon Masterson


Thanks for your feedback. It is much appreciated



Hi Jon, Just a remark, don't you think you should uptdate the tutorial as the menu where to put the suthumnails has change in version Application 01.76.6549.14196
Engine 04.75.6548.29803
Now the library object manager is under Tools not settings


Hi Jon,
I think you should update the tutorial as today the menu where is set the library manager is under tools not settings
Best Claude

Jon Masterson

The screenshot shows the tab open as the Tools tab so it is correct. The LOM has never been under settings

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