Airport Design Editor HelpWhat's NewHow do I see what is below an apron or poly in the ADE display? (1.65)

How do I see what is below an apron or poly in the ADE display? (1.65)

Some objects like aprons and ground polys can hide what is beneath them and that can be an issue if you are using a background image.  It is possible to change how transparent aprons and polys are and hence be able to see beneath them.  The level of transparency is set per object and is remembers between sessions.

Ground poly fully opaque

Ground poly fully opaque

This ground poly is fully opaque so it is difficult to see what is beneath it.  To change the transparency of an apron or poly:

  • Select the object
  • Press Shift + O to increase the transparency of the object
  • and Press O to reduce the transparency

Each key press will change the transparency by around 10%

This shows the results of pressing Shift+ O five times to give 50% transparency.  Now it is easy to see the objects beneath the poly


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