Airport Design Editor HelpToolsHow do I Rotate the Airport? (Requires the ProKey)

How do I Rotate the Airport? (Requires the ProKey)

The airport before rotation

The airport before rotation

Right Click Menu

Right Click Menu

Right click on the point of rotation and select Rotate Airport

  1. The rotation point is this windsock
  2. Set the angle to rotate (negative to rotate counter clockwise)
  3. Select the objects to rotate
  4. Click Rotate to execute



The warning tells you that ADE will load a temporary file with the changes and you should save this with a new name.  Click OK to proceed

Save the new file

Save the new file
  1. You are now offered to save the revised file with a different name.  This is the current file name with a numeric index added
  2. Click Save to complete the rotation.

The rotated airport

The rotated airport

Rotate by object

Rotate by object
  1. select the object to rotate the airport around
  2. Hold down the Alt Key and rotate the object with the mouse

Release the mouse and then the Alt key and the Rotate Airport Dialog will appear.  The Rotate By value is based on the angle the object is rotated.  The remaining process is the same as for using the Right Click Menu



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