How do I get Help?
There are several ways to get help for ADE. These are all accessible from the Help Menu. In addition to these there is a manual in German and English. These are not downloaded as part of the installation package but can be downloaded separately.

- Clicking Help or pressing F1 will open the on-line help system in your browser
- Clicking Commands Help or Shift+F1 will open the Commands Help window
- Clicking Support Forum or Ctrl+F1 will open the on-line support forum in your browser
On-line Help System
This new system is an extension of the Tips, Tricks and Tutorials system that we have been using for a couple of years. It offers a number of new features....
Search Engine

The search engine should find any articles that contain your search terms.

Translation is provided via Google Translate and provides all the language alternatives available in that service. Pictures will not get translated of course but the text should be.
Version Tags

Tags are a quick way to get access to articles that refer to a specific version. This can be helpful in finding information about the latest version or looking back at information about features added or updated in previous versions
Commands Help

ADE has a lots of ways to access functions including menus and short cuts. There are a lot of short cuts. This is the initial release of the Commands Help. If it proves useful then we hope to improve the features over time. To access the Commands help select Help > Commands Help or use Shift+F1 from the keynoard.

This will open the Commands Help window. On opening there is not much to see:
- The keys drop down will allow you to select a key and find out what actions can be executed using it
- The menus drop down allows you to select a main menu and find out what actions are available within that menu
- Enter a bit of text in the Find box to see what shortcuts or menu entries contain this text
- The list of any commands or menu entries found by using 1,2 or 3
- Click the Close button to close the Commands Help window
Key Search

Click on the Keys Down Arrow to get a list of available keys and select one

- The modifiers that are applied to this key
- The action that will be preformed when the key combination is pressed. So Shift+F1 will open the Commands Help
- Some features are available only with the ProKey and these are indicated by Yes in this column
Menu Search

Select the menu from the Menus drop down list. At the moment only some of the Menu entries are listed - primarily those that have short cut key alternatives.
Find Text

Enter a scrap of text into the Find box. Later versions may have an improved text search function

This will show a list of any commands that have the text in their description
List All

You can get a list of all the short cuts and menu entries in the help file by selecting the Find box, leaving the text empty and hitting the Enter key.
Support Forum

The support forum is very active with lots of folks who can help with your questions. It is also a great resource for searching to find information you might need
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