Airport Design Editor HelpToolsWhat Third Party Object Libraries are Used in a Project?

What Third Party Object Libraries are Used in a Project?

Library Objects Added to the Project

These are a series of objects added to the project.  Some of them may be stock objects and others come from third party libraries.  We want to know which libraries are used so that we be sure that we have them installed in the Simulator or tell other folks which libraries they need.

Library Objects Added to the Project

Open the Libraries Used Display

  1. Select the Lists Menu
  2. Select Libraries Used
Open the Libraries Used Display

Third Party Libraries Used

This shows only objects that come from third part libraries.  In this case there are four libraries that are used.  The blue line shows that this project uses:

  1. add_dwag_hangers.BGL
  2. add_SeevKahn_Trees.BGL
  3. AN 2 Vietnam Green.Bgl and
  4. lens ez airport objects vol1.bgl - this last one has two objects

If you want these objects to show up in sim you need to make sure that these libraries and any associated textures are in an active scenery area.  If not then they will show up in ADE but not in the sim.

Third Party Libraries Used


Nick Tselepides

I have no lib objects in the window--how can I get some and where, and how do I install them?

Jon Masterson

Which version of FS?


Nick Tselepides


Jon Masterson

I think the best place to get help for this is on the support forum at


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