How to Create a Matrix of Ancestry Shared Matches

This is a rough and ready guide to using a spreadsheet to create a matrix of the new Ancestry Shared Matches.  Ancestry Shared Matches shows matches that are in common with you and one of your matches.

Open a Blank Spreadsheet

Open a Blank Spreadsheet

I am using Excel 2013 but the principles should work for any spreadsheet program.  The top row and left hand columns will contain names of matches


Open your Ancestry DNA Matches

Open your Ancestry DNA Matches

I am going to select those matches which I know are on my paternal side since I know my maternal line and am looking for my father.  My 2nd cousin is paternal as far as I can tell

Add Cousin to Spreadsheet

Add Cousin to Spreadsheet
  1. I have added twtoetoe to the spreadsheet to start a matrix.  I have turned the text in the header row to make better use of the space but if your spreadsheet does not support this then you could use abbreviations for the name.
  2. and colored the cross matching cell grey since we don't want to check a match against herself.

Open Match

Open Match

Click the new Shared Matches Button

List of Shared Matches

List of Shared Matches

Make a note of the shared matches somewhere

Add them to the Matrix

Add them to the Matrix

Add the shared matches to the left and top and mark out the diagonal

Check off the shared matches for twtoetoe

Check off the shared matches for twtoetoe

I just gave the cells representing the shared match a green background and added the Y

Get the Shared Matches for the Next Person of the Left Side List

Get the Shared Matches for the Next Person of the Left Side List

The next person on the left side is trapshooterbob.  I selected his match and checked the Shared Matches.  One is twtoetoe which I expected and there is one new one but none of the others from twtoetoe

Add these to the Matrix....

Add these to the Matrix....

....and Just Keep Going

....and Just Keep Going

I just kept working down the left hand list adding new shared matches and marking new and existing ones until I got to here


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