How do I Hide Individual Objects from View? (ProKey) - Updated in Version 1.66
The standard method available for showing or hiding objects is via the View Menu. However this will hide or show whole groups of objects like aprons or taxi signs or library objects. If you want to just hide one or two objects then you will need a ProKey to access the Custom Hide Function.
Hiding an object

Select the object that you want to hide and press the F8 key (or Right Click > Hide Object

The object is now hidden from view
Show hidden objects

Just hold down the 'D' key on your keyboard and while it is held down hidden objects will re-appear. As soon as you release the D key they will be hidden again
Restore a hidden object

Hold down the D key to display hidden objects and while it is down click on the object you want to restore and select it. When you release the D key any other hidden objects will be hidden again but this one will remain visible with its hidden status canceled
Restore all hidden objects

Select Restore Hidden Objects from the View Menu and they will all made visible again.
Hidden Object Status

- From version 1.66 ADE will display the hidden objects status in the upper status bar. If there are hidden objects in the project then the number will be listed. Note that this is updated in the background and the number will change to reflect the current count but may take a second or so to update after you make a change,
- Double clicking the status indicator will restore all the hidden objects so that they appear in the display again. This is an alternative to the menu option above and is a quicker way to do things

The status indicator now shows no hidden objects
I am using 1.65.5492 version and my "hide object" option is grayed out, not available, "D" doesn't work, but "F8" works, I can't bring back hidden items
Jon Masterson
The best place to get help for this is on the support site at